We went hiking in the mountains. It was a beautiful day in March.
Yesterday I went on women's pilgrimage to a place called Perewbibi. We hired a van and left at 6 in the morning with selbi and her cousins and aunts. The attitude: happy and expectant. Music: Russian pop/techno. Language: Interchangeable Turkman/Russian. Road: long and bumpy. Along the way, I learn more about the woman who was Perew, but mostly about her mystical powers of granting wishes. Apartments bought, fortunes told. It wasn't until later, that I learned her story. Four hours later, we arrive in a little obscure village. my aunt points out the white road that leads up to a white building in the mountains above the village. At this point I don't understand if this a dead saint/martyr or a living psychic. Stupidly I ask if this is where Perew lives. She says yes....